Tuesday, December 10, 2024

December 2024 Antenna Designs

 After having relocated back to North Pole AK in the Alaskan Interior (15 miles south of Fairbanks) last summer, I got the station operational with the same doublet (except 90 ft flat top at 65 ft, ends hang vertical 20 ft), and three element LFA Yagi for 6m at 30 ft height.

Since we have two acres and it's the middle of winter, time to think about antennas!

Low Band DX Delta Loop

80m inverted delta loop, vertically polarized, with 120 ft horizontal top at 65 ft.

Open wire fed to remote auto ATU

Upper HF and VHF Mast

Roof tower 4 ft, with 16 ft extension.

Rotator make and model, etc.

Upper HF W8JK

20m through 10m with remote auto ATU

VHF / 6m (50 MHz)

Two stack of three element LFA Yagis for 6m.

Post on Blue Sky with Low Band DX Delta Loop patterns on 80m and 40m:


More details to come..