Tuesday, May 25, 2021

First QSL Card

Well not quite, in the 90s I collected a large number of QSL cards from the CB radio days which I no longer have, I suspect I threw them out which I regret..

Yet somehow after near 30 years of being a ham I've never received a QSL card (or sent one)!

That changed recently when I heard special event station W5L on 20m SSB one afternoon commemorating the 218th anniversary of the Louisiana purchase.

I tried for a while to get through the pileup of other stations calling with my vertical doublet and 100W but had no luck, so I gave up and went back outside for a couple hours. Came back to the shack and W5L was still there calling for stations, and getting few responses so I gave a call and made the contact.

The QSL card I got back is a very nicely done folded card:

W5L QSL card

W5L QSL card

W5L QSL card
Inside half