
Electricity doesn't give you second chances.. Unless you're a cat then you might get nine.

Get this book Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur and do it right. 

Antenna System Bonding and Grounding Requirements in the USA - Whitham D. Reeve.

Free ARRL articles on lightning protection.

IEEE - How to Protect Your House and Its Contents from Lightning.

House Ground Layouts - W8JI.

Power, Grounding, Bonding, and Audio for Ham Radio - K9YC.

Resources for Antenna and Station Grounding - QRZ Forums - a good roundup of articles and links.

These two older posts uses to be pinned, but no longer are Grounding Do's Don'ts & Why Part 1Grounding Do's Don'ts & Why Part 2 - QRZ Forums.

KF7P Metalwerks - Grounding/Bonding, Lightning Protection, Entry Panels.