Works on my spare Late 2014 5K iMac running Big Sur 11.7.10 with Xcode 13.2.1.
Information was passed onto me from AA5SH - Notes on Building WSJT-X on my Mac. The main difference is this guide uses current stable release of Hamlib (4.5.5) from their Github repo.
The steps create a directory called /Users/<username>/wsjtx-build, with a sub-directory each for Hamlib and WSJT-X source code and building.
A detailed guide of how I have my rig control, logging, and digi mode apps configured is at:
Xcode can be downloaded from the App Store, for older versions of macOS it can be downloaded from > Additional downloads > Search for the version number.
Supported version of Xcode for a given version of macOS see
There are two parts to install Xcode one is just to install from the App Store or download from the Apple developer site, and then also from the command line run the following command:
xcode-select --install
Agree to the Xcode license agreement:
sudo xcodebuild -license
Download the latest CMake universal from
Open the DMG then drag and drop the application bundle onto the supplied /Applications link.
To complete the install process run:
sudo "/Applications/" --install
Install Homebrew from
Run the two commands shown at competition to add it to the path.
Install gcc@9:
brew install gcc@9
Mac Ports
Install Mac Ports from
Quit and re-open terminal after installing.
Install the required ports, answer yes to dependancies or use port -N (non interactive):
sudo port install autoconf
sudo port install automake
sudo port install libtool
sudo port install pkgconfig
sudo port install texinfo
sudo port install fftw-3-single +gcc9
sudo port install asciidoc
sudo port install asciidoctor
sudo port install libusb-devel
sudo port install boost
sudo port install qt5
sudo port install qt5-qtmultimedia
sudo port install qt5-qtwebsockets
Build Hamlib
This only needs to be done once.
Using the current stable release, 4.5.5 at this time.
mkdir -p ~/wsjtx-build/hamlib-prefix/build
cd ~/wsjtx-build/hamlib-prefix
git clone --depth 1 --branch 4.5.5 src
cd src
cd ../build
../src/configure \
--enable-static \
--disable-shared \
--disable-winradio \
--prefix=$HOME/wsjtx-build/hamlib-prefix \
CFLAGS="-g -O2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -I/opt/local/include" \
LIBUSB_LIBS="-L/opt/local/lib -lusb-1.0"
make install-strip
If make install-strip fails, run make install
Build WSJT-X
Download source code tarball (.tgz) from:
WSJT-X Improved
Note: WSJT-X Improved includes additional features (some later make it into regular WSJT-X), and alternate layouts.
Extract the tarball file, you should see a folder named wsjtx-<version number>.
Open the src folder with-in this and extract wsjtx.tgz, this is the source code.
mkdir -p ~/wsjtx-build/wsjtx-prefix/src
mkdir -p ~/wsjtx-build/wsjtx-prefix/build
Copy the source code with in the expanded wsjtx folder into ~/wsjtx-build/wsjtx-prefix/src
cd ~/wsjtx-build/wsjtx-prefix/build
FC=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc@9/9.5.0/bin/gfortran-9 \
cmake \
-D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/local/libexec/qt5;~/wsjtx-build/hamlib-prefix;/opt/local" \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/wsjtx-build/wsjtx-prefix \
-D CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=/Applications/ \
Substitute the Mac OS X SDK version you have installed in the above command if you have a different version.
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install # Builds wsjt-x application bundle
cmake --build . --target package # Builds .dmg file in build directory
Other Info
Notes on Building JTDX on Mac - AA5SH.
Misc Notes
Find QT version (installed via Mac Ports): /opt/local/libexec/qt5/bin/qmake -v
Build JS8Call on macOS
Not tried it my self yet.