Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Trying out FT8..

I got around to trying out FT8, the HF digital mode that everyone seems to be doing these days. I guess don't knock it until you try it..

It makes completing a contact very easy after setting some options.

Answering a CQ just double click station calling CQ, from there the process of your station answering, the exchange of callsigns, grid square and signal report are fully automated.

Calling CQ is simply clicking enable TX and waiting for others to answer, the same automated process takes over and completes the contact.

I can see this has it's uses with contesting, working a DX-Pedition under trying conditions to get that rare one for example since its simple, automated and completes a contact in five 15 second T/R sequences.


Here on the 17m band yesterday evening completed my very first ever FT8 contact with ZL2DD.